European Union / Spotlights TN 1999-TN.10941 ![]() Please click on the flag of the EU (on the left) or the eConference link (below) to access the eConference and post comments there. Bitte klicken Sie auf die Flagge der EU (links) oder den eConference Link (unten), um zur eConference zu gelangen und geben Sie dort Ihre Kommentare bekannt ("post"en). Vouillez clickez le drapeau de l'UE (a gauche) ou le link eConference (en bas) pour acceder l'eConference et pour y faire connaitre vos commentaires ("post"). GTF eConference (Messageboard) |
DOCUMENTS (please scroll down in this frame to see the list of available documents)
v0.6r5 = "Barcelona" version = v1.0
Date: 5th February 2002
Click on
Deliverable D6 - GTF eConference Report to download the document (approx. 1.7Mb).
Click on
Deliverable D7 - GTF Workshop Report to download the document (approx. 11 Mb).
Click on
Deliverable D13 - GTF Specification to download the document (approx. 500k)
Click on
Deliverable DXX - Recommendations and activities Report to download the document (approx. 1.7 Mb)
... and other v1.0 documents
Click on
GTF Specification OVERVIEW to download the document (approx. 1.2 Mb)
Click on
GTF adhoc XML (exchange format) to download the document (approx. 4.7Mb)
Click on
GTF draft TIP (draft interchange protocol) to download the document (approx. 194k)
Click on
GTF-paper to download the document (approx. 550k)
... other referenced (relevant) document(s)
Click on
Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) specification to download the PDF document (319k). (original)
Click on
WP 2 Dcode Deontological Code to download the Word document (397k).
Workshop (Barcelona, 11-12th October 2001) documents (zip compressed):
Click on
1. Agenda to download the document.
Click on
2. MKmetric (Dr Mandel): Generalised Transportation-data Format (GTF): - Data, Model and Machine Interaction - to download the document.
Click on
3. Presentation: AVV (van der Loop): Transport Policy Systems in The Netherlands to download the document.
Click on
4. Paper: van der Loop to download the document.
Click on
5. Government of Catalonia (Baulies): The Policy Support System of Catalonia: GIS-PTOP to download the document.
Click on
6. DTU (Prof Nielsen): Problems and Solution leading to GTF to download the document.
Click on
7. MKmetric (Ruffert): Introduction to GTF Conceptual Model to download the document.
Click on
8. DTU (Prof Nielsen): Transport Object Platform TOP to download the document.
Click on
9. Paper on GTF: Prof Nielsen et al. to download the document.
Click on
10. Paper on TOP: Prof Nielsen to download the document.
Click on
11. MCRIT (Esquius): ATM Planning Support System: ATMax to download the document.
Click on
12. AVV (Taale): PLATOS, experiences in The Netherlands to download the document.
Click on
13. IWW (Schoch): The IWW European Transport Model and GTF to download the document.
Click on
14. TRT (Martino): GTF: Next step to adopt an standard transport to download the document.
Click on
15. Minerva (Logie): Experiences from TRIPS and observations from to download the document.
Click on
16. Paper: Logie to download the document.
Click on
17. ME&P (Williams): Role of GTF to download the document.
Click on
18. RAND (Walker): THINK-UP Policy Variables to download the document.
Click on
19. NEA (Burgess): The European Transport Model Directory (MDir) Analysis of MDir relevant for GTF to download the document.
Click on
20a. MCRIT (Caņas): Long-term visions for e-government the European Transport policy-support system (ETIS) to download the document.
Click on
20b. Paper: Caņas to download the document.
Click on
21. MKmetric (Ruffert): GTF Conceptual Model details to download the document.
The documents are zip compressed.
Click on
GTF Specification Overview v0.6r5 to download the PDF document (approx. 400k).
Click on
GTF_Specification v0.6r5 to download the complete! specification PDF document (approx. 400k).
Click on
draft GTF adhoc XML format v0.6r5 to download the PDF document (approx. 750k).
Click on
draft Transportation-data Interchange Protocol (TIP) v0.6r4 to download the PDF document (approx. 90k). (Unchanged.)